Part 3: Chart Overlay – Pinescript Tutorial Basics

Final Chart overlay indicator in use
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Before we get started in you haven’t read my short introduction see this post here: About Me

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Pinescript version 5

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Add input functions to a simple chart overlay text indicator using Pinescript.

Tutorial Introduction

In this final installment we will complete this pinescript tutorial of a chart overlay indicator for Trading View using the following functions:

The process if fairly straight forward.

  1. Maintain the general sub heading input from the previous script
  2. Add text inputs for each day of the week
  3. Add a toggle so the user can switch between the text changing by the day of the week and one that is constant for all days
  4. Logic in the code to detect day of the week and use appropriate text

Here is where we left off in Part 2: Chart Overlay – Pinescript Tutorial Basics

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at

indicator("Chart Overlay", overlay = true)

//text inputs
headingString = input.string("Input text here")
subHeadingString = input.string("Input text here")
//colour inputs
headingColour = input.color(, title="Heading Colour")
subHeadingColour = input.color(, title="Sub-Heading Colour")

//initialize table element
var overlayTable = = position.top_center, columns = 1, rows = 2)
if barstate.islast
    table.cell(table_id = overlayTable, column = 0, row = 0, text = headingString, text_color = headingColour, text_size = size.large)
    table.cell(table_id = overlayTable, column = 0, row = 1, text = subHeadingString, text_color = subHeadingColour, text_size = size.normal)

Day of the Week Text Elements

Let us begin by adding in the text elements for each day of the week. For this indicator we will keep the heading the same and only change the sub heading based on the day of the week. For the input.string() function the arguments are as follows:

input.string(defval, title, options, tooltip, inline, group, confirm) → input string

We will add titles to each of the inputs this time around to make the Settings UI a bit cleaner. Create an input variable for each day of the week sub heading.

//text inputs days of the week
subHeadingStringMon = input.string("Input Monday text here", "Monday Text")
subHeadingStringTues = input.string("Input Tuesday text here", "Tuesday Text")
subHeadingStringWed = input.string("Input Wednesday text here", "Wednesday Text")
subHeadingStringThur = input.string("Input Thursday text here", "Thursday Text")
subHeadingStringFri = input.string("Input Friday text here", "Friday Text")
subHeadingStringSat = input.string("Input Saturday text here", "Saturday Text")
subHeadingStringSun = input.string("Input Sunday text here", "Sunday Text")

Toggle for Day of the Week Text Elements

Next we’ll add a toggle so the user can select to either use the text for each day of the week or one sub heading for the whole week. For this we will use the input.bool() function. default to the value to false or off – meaning the days of the week text will not be shown, only the same text everyday.

//general or day of the week toggle
toggleDayOfWeek   = input.bool(false, "Toggle Days of the Week")

Final step is to add in the logic and clean up the code. The logic is a simple if statement. if the toggle is false use the general sub heading string, else use one of the day of the week strings. To detect the date we will use the built-in function dayofweek() and pass the argument timenow, which is a built-in variable to pull the current time. The dayofweek() function returns an integer but we can also use the built-in named constants dayofweek.monday etc to make the code more readable.

//logic for Day of the Week
if (toggleDayOfWeek == false)
    subHeadingString := subHeadingString
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.monday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringMon
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.tuesday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringTues  
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.wednesday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringWed
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.thursday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringThur
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.friday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringFri
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.saturday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringSat
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.sunday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringSun

Final Steps: Code Cleanup

In cleaning up the code we’ll add some section breaks in the settings UI. To do this we will use the group argument in each of the inputs as well as create variables for the groups so that we can rename them in a single location if needed.

var GRP1 = "Heading"
var GRP2 = "Days of the Week Text"

Add the group argument to each input.

//text inputs Heading
headingString = input.string("Input text here", "Heading", group = GRP1)

//text inputs Sub-headings
//General sub
subHeadingString = input.string("Input text here", "General Sub-Heading Text", group = GRP1)

//general or day of the week toggle
toggleDayOfWeek   = input.bool(false, "Toggle Days of the Week", group = GRP2)

//text inputs days of the week
subHeadingStringMon = input.string("Input Monday text here", "Monday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringTues = input.string("Input Tuesday text here", "Tuesday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringWed = input.string("Input Wednesday text here", "Wednesday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringThur = input.string("Input Thursday text here", "Thursday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringFri = input.string("Input Friday text here", "Friday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringSat = input.string("Input Saturday text here", "Saturday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringSun = input.string("Input Sunday text here", "Sunday Text", group = GRP2)

Putting this all together you should have the complete script where the sub heading can dynamically change for each day of the week or not if desired. With a UI that looks like the following:

Chart overlay indicator settings panel in Trading View
Settings UI for complete script
Final chart overlay indicator in use in Trading View
Final indicator in use

Thanks for following along with this pinescript tutorial – I hope to complete more of these as I grow my own knowledge of Pinescript.

Complete Script

Complete script is below:

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at

indicator("Chart Overlay", overlay = true)

var GRP1 = "Heading"
var GRP2 = "Days of the Week Text"

//text inputs Heading
headingString = input.string("Input text here", "Heading", group = GRP1)

//text inputs Sub-headings
//General sub
subHeadingString = input.string("Input text here", "General Sub-Heading Text", group = GRP1)

//general or day of the week toggle
toggleDayOfWeek   = input.bool(false, "Toggle Days of the Week", group = GRP2)

//text inputs days of the week
subHeadingStringMon = input.string("Input Monday text here", "Monday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringTues = input.string("Input Tuesday text here", "Tuesday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringWed = input.string("Input Wednesday text here", "Wednesday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringThur = input.string("Input Thursday text here", "Thursday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringFri = input.string("Input Friday text here", "Friday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringSat = input.string("Input Saturday text here", "Saturday Text", group = GRP2)
subHeadingStringSun = input.string("Input Sunday text here", "Sunday Text", group = GRP2)

//colour inputs
headingColour = input.color(, title="Heading Colour")
subHeadingColour = input.color(, title="Sub-Heading Colour")

//initialize table element
var overlayTable = = position.top_center, columns = 1, rows = 2)

//logic for Day of the Week
if (toggleDayOfWeek == false)
    subHeadingString := subHeadingString
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.monday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringMon
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.tuesday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringTues  
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.wednesday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringWed
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.thursday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringThur
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.friday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringFri
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.saturday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringSat
else if dayofweek(timenow)==dayofweek.sunday
    subHeadingString := subHeadingStringSun

if barstate.islast
    table.cell(table_id = overlayTable, column = 0, row = 0, text = headingString, text_color = headingColour, text_size = size.large)
    table.cell(table_id = overlayTable, column = 0, row = 1, text = subHeadingString, text_color = subHeadingColour, text_size = size.normal)


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